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Virtual Learning

Fully Online Seminary Programs

A Seminary Beyond Boundaries

Welcome to the Online Programs of SIBBC&S, where Faith Focused Learning meets the flexibility of 'anytime, anywhere.' Empower your spiritual journey with our online seminary, where we seamlessly blend theological education, ministerial training, and the richness of the seminary experience, bringing it all to your doorstep. Our commitment to faithful education embraces digital convenience, allowing you to learn, connect, and grow in the comfort of your own space. Rooted in faith and flexibility, we believe that you can grow where you are planted. 

the Faithful Globally

Empowering the faithful worldwide through transformative education, our online seminary programs stand as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration, dedicated to equipping the faithful globally. At SIBBC&S, we believe in fostering a global community of passionate individuals, with accessible and enriching theological education that transcends boundaries. 

Programs Offered


Why Choose SIBBC&S? 

At the heart of our mission, our programs are crafted with you in mind!


Transformative Theological Education, Tailored for you

You will embark on a journey of intellectual and spiritual growth with our transformative theological education, meticulously tailored to suit your life & ministry commitments. We are rooted in faith, rooted in flexibility. 


Quality Theological Education Made Affordable

You will experience the enrichment of your faith journey with our commitment to Quality Theological Education Made Affordable, ensuring that knowledge and spiritual growth are accessible to all.


Grow Your Ministry, Stay Rooted at Home 

You will discover the transformative potential of growing your ministry from the comforts of home with our seminary Beyond Boundaries. This is an enriching journey that broadens your spiritual horizons.


Comprehensive Curriculum & Diverse Experiences

You will immerse yourself in a transformative educational journey through our Comprehensive Curricula & Diverse Experiences that enrich your understanding and prepare you for a multifaceted ministry.


Welcome to South India Baptist Bible College & Seminary's Online Programs. For over four decades, we've dedicated ourselves to training individuals for the Lord's ministry. Now, our esteemed college is accessible to you anywhere through online education. Our programs offer accessible education, allowing you to journey into faith, knowledge, and ministry from the comfort of your space. Rooted in our motto, "...commit thou to faithful men," we shape individuals well-versed in the Word, ready to impact the world. Committed to the Great Commission, our online education mission combines cutting-edge technology and a rich curriculum to empower you in winning souls for Christ through flexible online learning. Explore our prospectus envisioning a virtual classroom where faith and education converge, fostering growth academically, spiritually, ministerially, and personally. Join us in this exciting venture, where South India Baptist Bible College & Seminary's legacy transcends boundaries, and the flame of ministry burns brighter than ever.


Our Vision

South India Baptist Bible College & Seminary is committed to the Great Commission, envisioning a future where online learning catalyzes global evangelism and church planting. Grounded in our commitment to "...commit thou to faithful men," our vision transcends borders, reaching 1.4 billion individuals in India and beyond. In the realm of online education, we aim to empower individuals not only with theological knowledge but also to actively fulfill the Lord's mandate.


    Our vision involves harnessing the capabilities of online learning, creating a virtual space to nurture aspiring ministers, preparing them to spread the gospel with unwavering zeal. Whether in bustling Indian cities or the farthest corners of the globe, we aim to ignite the flames of ministry through accessible online programs. As a global hub, we aspire to thrive in the spirit of the Great Commission, emboldening individuals to carry the torch of evangelism and church planting to the ends of the earth.


Our Mission

Bible College Students seated at the seminary

At South India Baptist Bible College & Seminary, our mission is a steadfast commitment to the Great Commission as directed by the Lord Jesus Christ: '...go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.' Guided by this divine charge, we embark on a mission that transcends borders and transforms lives. Our primary objective is to counsel, evangelize, and establish churches in India and beyond, utilizing the dynamic medium of online learning. Through a comprehensive and accessible online education platform, we aim to equip individuals with the knowledge, faith, and practical skills necessary for effective ministry in diverse cultural contexts.


Year of Establishment



Campus Enrolments


Online Enrolments

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